Tuesday, June 19, 2012

6/18 - Disney Occult Stuff and Katy Perry Zion 2012

Interesting stuff came out on 6/18.

Some interesting symbolism here between two columns this time Druidic Grove stones, also the recent film Prometheus showed life originating in Scotland created by Druid like Aliens.
 The Katy Perry video Wide Awake starts the same way.
The forbidden transhumanist fruit.
The typical monarch programming stuff we've seen time and time again.
Dress made of Butterflies. Mirror Programming.
I know one might think its the pesky Paparazzi on "the other side of the mirror" but for most it was CIA  spook monitoring their sexual behavior.
Little KP pushes herself down the hall of the facility she was programmed at, probably a University Hospital.
The satanic guards try and stop them but little KP does magic or something and they escape to a garden labyrinth.
Cat Programming hypno-eyes are watching.
Prince on Unicorn, remember the "Windsors" have a unicorn on their coat of arms.
She knocks him out? and then...
There is also my video on the ritual murder of Christopher Shale at Glasto 2011. 
Maleficent will be out 2014 by then they'll have raised the satanic bar pretty high, thanks for reading peace.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Elizabeth Tower, Diamond Jubilee, Olympics 2012

I had someone ask me about that tower pic from the last post so I thought I'd post some stuff in case people were interested.

This card is attributed to the letter Pe',which means a mouth; it refers to the 
from Thoth Tarot deck
planet Mars. In its simplest interpretation it refers to the manifestation of cosmic energy in its grossest form. The picture shows the destruction of existing material by fire. It may be taken as the preface to Atu XX, the Last Judgment, i.e., the Coming of a New Aeon. This being so, it seems to indicate the quintessential quality of the Lord of the Aeon. At the bottom part of the card, therefore, is shown the destruction of the old- established Aeon by lightning, flames, engines of war. In the right-hand corner are the jaws of Dis, belching flame at the roo~ of the structure. Falling from the tower are broken figures of the garrison. It will be noticed that they have lost their human shape."

"To understand this is not easy for most western minds. Briefly, 
the doctrine is that the ultimate reality (which is Perfection) is Nothingness. Hence all manifestations, however glorious, however delightful, are stains. To obtain perfection, all existing things must be annihilated. The destruction of the garrison may therefore be taken to mean their emancipation from the prison of organized life, which was confining them. It was their unwisdom to cling to it. "

From The Book of Thoth by By Aleister Crowley

There were some stories in the news regarding the Tower including an article that explains how the architect of the orbital tower at the olympics modeled it after the tower of babel but no mention of the crown at the top like the cards often depict.

Lightening War Stuff

 '...the violence and carnage on Thursday came like lightening in a blue sky'-Vatican Rep to Syria

So not only are they using the tower symbolism but they use the lightening symbolism in war(the cards other name), also its the sixteenth card and we can relate that to Pope Benedict the XVI and the last Pope prophecy.

thanks for reading.