Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Olympics 2012 Update + Cannibals & Transvestites

Some random observations.

ArcelorMittal Orbit Tower@2012 Olympic Site

Here's some links concerning the olympics and possible false flag.

As far cannibalism goes this face-eating story is making its rounds in the news, there was a way worse story out there a while ago from my part of the country that received no attention(the video). I'm not saying this is definitely a case of social engineering but maybe. Here's the links.

This Transgender stuff is getting out of control not just the Trump/Pageant media stunt, also the Canadian bill was one of many 33's in the news last week.We had an eclipse last week the media dubbed the "ring of fire" which reminded me of the Earth Wind & Fire poster with Chronos at the top, the band at the bottom in the ring of fire with an embryo possibly the hermaphrodite Phanes.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Sforzas, D'estes and the Reptile Media Bump

Blatant illuminati show The Borgias has been glamorizing immoral behavior by the interbreeding illuminati bloodlines on Showtime for two seasons now. I didn't think I'd have to mention this considering its so obvious (much like The Tudors) but it looks like there may be an upcoming appearance from Beatrice d'Este whom we saw the connections with Snow White and the Olympics recently.

On the left you've got Caterina Sforza from last sundays episode, on her armor is the coat of arms of the Visconti whom the Sforza's married into. This same symbol can be seen on the lawn of former Italian PM Silvio Burlesconi. Here's a list of stuff I found when I searched Sforza on the web.

Burlescon's lawn
  • Many biographies list Alchemy as one of Caterina Sforza's interests.
Caterina and Ascanio Sforza appear as characters in the anime Trinity Blood.
  • Caterina Sforza and members of the Borgia family appear in the video game Assassins Creed 2.
One of the cursed items in Friday the 13th: The Series was the Sforza glove which was said to have belonged to the family.

Fictional killer Hannibal Lecter is said to be of Sforza bloodline, in the prequel film he is raised in a Lithuanian castle, of course the Sforzas married into Polish other European Royalty, also explains his Roman first name.

Anime Caterina Sforza
Alfonso d'Este the duke of Ferrara and brother of Beatrice will marry Lucrezia Borgia on the showtime series if it stays on long enough. One odd coincidence I noticed was that his first wife Anna Sforza died during child birth at the age of 21 like Beatrice d'Este. 

Its hard to tell if people are actually warming up to these bloodlines as a reaction to the indoctrination through media or not. Perhaps it will stay in the sheeples subconscious mind until the event that they choose to bring everything out in the open finally happens. 

CBS claims Royals' popularity at all time high.
Junglesurfer video talks Snow White and Beatrice & Borgias from December

If anyone has any info on the Sforzas and their involvement with alchemy please leave a comment I can't find much. I didn't want to spend too much time on this blog but if you look up the families mentioned here you'll find I didn't even scratch the surface and that the Roman Military, Banking, and Priest-Class families are as much a part of the Illuminati(if not more) than the Germanic tribes. Thanks for reading peace.

I don't recommend watching The Borgias tv show its terrible.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman - Beatrice & William

Some observations on this new Snow White flick. 

Excerpt from plot synopsis on wikipedia "...But Snow White manages to escape into the Dark Forest and Queen Ravenna summons the Huntsman Eric (Chris Hemsworth) to kill Snow White. Eric, however, takes pity on the young princess and teaches Snow White unique skills in the art of war. Now, with the aid of eight dwarves, knights from England, and her childhood love Prince William (Sam Claflin), Snow White begins a powerful revolution to kill her wicked witch of a stepmother once and for all."

Okay so starting with the fact that there is 8 dwarves now as opposed to 7, not only does 8 have a connection to Saturn/Chronos but also many things to do with the royals and recent or upcoming events.

  • The Queens 8 bells on the Thames for the Jubilee.
  • Princess Beatrice's Birthday(8/8/88) will fall during the Olympics this year.
  • on 8/8/12 August 8th Russian film about the Russia/Georgia conflict which started on 8/8/08.

Beatrice in the newer Cinderella film "Ever After" from 1998; Recently a costume blog noticed Cinderella's attire looked strikingly similar to that 
seen on the tomb of Beatrice D'este.

"Blessed Beatrice D'este" is also known for her portrait as painted by Leonardo Da'Vinci(also in the film). I have not seen this film but noticed in an Imdb search the prince in this story is named Harry, of course in the new Snow White and the Huntsman the princes name is William...

Dieu et Mon Droit
Okay Prince William not too much say here its quite obvious, but there is one thing I noticed about this actors bio that seems common to a lot of the actors in these royal propaganda films and televisions shows. 

  • He's in Disney's Pirates
  • He plays Kaleb in "The Lost Future" about surviving in a post apocalyptic Columbia.
  • He will star in the upcoming film "The Seventh Son"
  • He starred in "The Pillars of the Earth" which starred cast members of The Borgias and NBC's Kings.
These people always play the same type of roles even the Huntsman Eric( obviously Nordic) is played by the guy who played Thor. But a quick look @ NBC's Kings from 2009 is needed to see how this has been pushed consistantly.

Wills and Kate? David Shepherd(the youngest of seven boys) and The Princess.

Also Ian McShane who played King Silas in NBC's Kings is also in Disney's Pirates, the narrator for Disney's The Sorcerers Apprentice, and in the miniseries Pillars of the Earth.

Okay I'll leave some links below to some videos on this kinda stuff. Thanks for reading.

Okay heres the 8 Bells and the Queen by YT user Junglesurfer.

this one is about the 8th of August movie. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Earth Wind & Fire... And New World Religion

Okay I don't think much explaining needs to be done here its quite obvious what this is all about. Nwo types gathered the information they need to start their religions and secret societies from the Egyptian Mystery Schools, there is no use for them any more now that the technology for life extension and genetic engineering is now acquired. Notice the fire in front of the temple below, on the reverse side of the LP is the new transhumanist society complete with space travel.

(inside LP) The book burning, Luciferian lightning, the eye of Aten.

Their Album Millennium released in 1993 is full of the symbolism used by the Vatican agents who created the European Union. 

Not just the crosses on the front but the obvious "Rape of Europa" symbolism the EU is particularly fond of.

Statue outside EU Parliament.

Of course what illuminati band would be complete without a Whitehouse performance? @ Governors Ball 2009.


I came across this EW&F poster in Image search. Full of Chronos/Saturn worship.

  • Chronos is usually portrayed through an old, wise man with a long, grey beard, such as father time and is often seen with a clock. 
  • In the Orphic cosmogony the unageing Chronos produced Aether and Chaos, and made a silvery egg in the divine Aether. It produced the hermaphroditic god Phanes, who gave birth to the first generation of gods and is the ultimate creator of the cosmos. Notice the Earth/Egg in the glass to the right, also the embryo inside the ring of fire(could be Phanes).
  • Chronos is often seen With death and destruction on one side with life and animation on the other.

If you compare the this image of Chronos the EW&F poster above you should see the obvious parallel with the buildings and people falling into the sea also the skeleton in the water to Chronos' right.
  • Chronos was imagined as a god, serpentine in form, with three heads—those of a man, a bull, and a lion. He and his consort, serpentine Ananke (Inevitability), circled the primal world egg in their coils and split it apart to form the ordered universe of earth, sea and sky. No wonder EW&F have song titles such as "Serpentine Fire."

There is plenty of stuff on Chronos/Saturn worship and the NWO online, I urge people to look this up. Thats all for this blog heres some extra cult like covers and promotional stuff from these guys.

Who's Ready for Kool-Aid?


It must be a special occasion they're playing with an orchestra, oh look its the solstice. And whats up with the cross? 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Masonic Nightwish & The Order of The Amaranth

Just some observations on the Finnish band Nightwish, one of the most popular bands to come from the country. Finnish metal bands often talk about Finnish pagan traditions(Amorphis, Turisas) and I see no point in addressing the pagan stuff, this post will relate specifically to Nightwish's use of Masonic Symbolism. There's masonic stuff on every album so I'm gonna skip around a bit.

I thought I'd start with the second album Oceanborn. The cover itself is interesting enough.
  • Reptilian Eye over the Earth
  • Mars, Venus(?)
  • Masonic/Minerval Owl w/Scroll
  • Lady in the lake(?)
Considering the album is called "Oceanborn" I'd like to point out that some versions of their first album "Angels Fall First" contain a bonus track called "A Return to the Sea" which has some lyrics that seem to describe an extinction level event either in ancient times or modern I can't say for sure. After naming extinct species the song refers to the "Fall of Man" and describes it as "Darwins Resurrection" with "seadrops foaming empty human skulls on the shores of atlantis" leaving mother earth "Healed and Happy." I also heard Tuomas studied Marine Biology in college maybe that explains the creepy Darwin stuff. 

The Video for the song "Sleeping Sun" off of Oceanborn shows Tuomas Holopainen the keyboardist and main songwriter for the group dressed as a Knights Templar.

The next album in line is Wishmaster,note the kid on the cover seems to have obtained a scroll like the one on Oceanborn.

For this album I'll just focus on the song "The Kinslayer" its hard not to notice the creepy guys voice towards the end of the song saying things like "There is no god our creed is but for ourselves, you're not a hero unless you die, our species eat the wounded ones." The last thing the song mentions is "15 candles 4 pink 9 blue and 2 black", I have no idea what this means at all please leave a comment if you know, also the song is listed "In memory of the Redeemers 4/20/99" which was the date of the Columbine shooting. Click here for The Kinslayer vid w/lyrics.

The Singer Switch

Im gonna skip over the next few albums bear with me.

Tarja Turunen(above) was the singer of the group from 97-05, she was fired shortly after the recording of a live performance recorded for DVD. 

 The DVD cover features a masonic phallus we can compare to the Hendaye Cross and Cross at Venonae.

Masonic Grave (below) with Heart at the top.

Annette Olzon(Sweden) was hired as the new singer in 2006. Previously she had done some songs with a band called The Rasmus who's cover art wreaks of project monarch. Her first album with Nightwish was 2007's Dark Passion Play. She has a son named Seth(Set) and one named Nemo (Not just a Nightwish song title also Omen spelled backwards).

The first video off of NW's Dark Passion Play was for a song called "Amaranth"

 The Order of the Amaranth is a masonic womens organization founded in 1873 based on Queen Christina of Sweden's "Order of Amarantha" for ladies and knights of her court. Men must be master masons and women related to mason by marriage, daughter, sister, niece, etc and recommended by a master mason. Here's a look at an Amaranth Fez and embroidered patch.

The video for Amaranth shows an angel falling to earth and being carried like the painting "Wounded Angel" by Finnish artist Hugo Simberg.

This may seem irrelevant considering Wounded Angel has been the Finnish national painting since 2006 but Simberg's paintings for the Tampere Cathedral in Finland(where the painting is located) are a bit more interesting.

The Garden of Death

He painted naked boys all around the church.

He also painted the winged serpent at the ceilings highest point which some contemporaries saw as a sign of sin and corruption.

There's also the window with a skeleton riding a horse I cant make out the rest of it, but on symbolism alone this church has a strange vibe. The garden of death, naked boys, and symbols of corruption at the highest point seem suspect to me, also the lyrics to many NW songs seem very critical of Religion but yet Tuomas is often seen wearing a Rosary and the DVD menu for "End of an Era" is full of crosses. 

Random Masonic Covers -

Order of Eastern Star? Shriners perhaps?

More religious stuff?

Oh boy.

The owls are not as they seem...

Fallen Angels huh?


I'm not saying these people are evil, however I am suspicious when a band is  at the height of their career and replace their singer with one nowhere the same caliber and the first music video has the same title as a masonic fraternity and the other frequent masonic references. Also mind control connections with the Kinslayer lyrics and the Columbine shooting which was an obvious black operation false flag, check out this interview with Evan Long director of The Columbine Cause.

Thanks for reading

Bonus - Nightwish: Tutankhamen w/lyrics. Talks about a stargate.